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Acupuncture is a therapeutic technique that originated in traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate and balance the flow of energy, known as Qi, along the body's meridians.
There are many types of acupuncture: Scalp Acupuncture, Hand Acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture ( Ear Acupuncture ), Abdominal Acupuncture, Cheek Acupuncture --- they are specialized forms of acupuncture that focuses on stimulating points on particular body area. Because of different shape of needles, there are bead needle or round-tip needle. round sharp needle, Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling (FSN) or floating needle.
It takes 3-5 years of full time study and training to be qualified as a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor/acupuncturist in China. Scientific evidence to date demonstrates that acupuncture is very effective in the relief of pain as well as controlling many other conditions (The Mail 25th September 2007). Indeed it has been used as a “local anesthetic” in many operative cases where it would be life-threatening to use a conventional anesthetic.
Recent studies also indicate that acupuncture used in combination with IVF has proven to be up to 65% more effective than IVF alone (The Times, Feb 8 2008).
Acupuncture is recommended by the World Health Organization in over 60 conditions.
Acupuncture costs are recoverable by many healthcare providers. Please check with Phoebe.
We will update new researches about acupuncture in our Facebook page. Please follow us if you are interested.